Social Sciences Newsletters and Reports
Social Sciences News
- 04 Feb The Workshop on technology monitoring and strategic intelligence for professionals kicks off at the University of Alicante From 3 to 7 February 2025, the University of Alicante will host the Strategic Intelligence Workshop, a week of hands-on training, success stories, and networking for professionals.
- 02 Dec The Observatory will take part in IntelliCon Barcelona 2024 The University of Alicante’s Technological Observatory will participate in IntelliCon Barcelona 2024, showcasing its training expertise from the specialised course on strategic intelligence for innovative organisations.
- 30 Oct The EPO examines university patents as a key driver of innovation in Europe The EPO analyzes universities' commitment to patents to understand how academic research impacts the market.
Social Sciences and Humanities Reports and Newsletters
Europe’s Digital Humanities Landscape
This report is based on a Europe-wide survey run by LIBER’s Digital Humanities & Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group. The survey focused on digital collections and the activities libraries undertake around them.
EEN Marketplace for Social Sciences
In this section you can find the latest sectoral technology offers, requests and partner searches for completing EU funded project proposals, published by the Europe Enterprise Network (EEN).