Since 2008, the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) has been one of the leading technology transfer and business support networks helping businesses innovate and grow on an international scale.

EEN is focused on promoting business competitiveness through internationalisation, technology transfer and access to financing, at no cost to its users. It is an international reference technology market, to which more than 600 organisations (technology poles and institutes, chambers of commerce and industry, universities and research institutes, regional development organisations, business associations, etc.) from 60 countries including Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Brazil, for example.

Currently, through its digital platform, users can consult online technology offers and requests and search for partners to European R&D calls cooperation and research programs.

The EEN Network operates through expert teams established in the different member countries. Those are connected allowing the exchange of information among them, in a standardised way through the Internet, and also guaranteeing the anonymity of the participating companies and the confidentiality of the information. Among the free services offered by the EEN Network teams there are:

Furthermore, it is technology intelligence strategic source. Allowing subscription and free consultation to different technological monitoring products such as alerts, brokerage-events, sector groups and electronic bulletins.

More information: EEN