The Iberoamerican University Network of Factories Incubation was created in Santiago de Compostela by the initiative of the University of Barcelona (UB), la University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and Banco Santander.
The network is integrated by the following centres:
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Universidad de Cantabria
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
- UNICAMP, Universidad Estatal Campinas
- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona TECH
- Universidad de Buenos Aires
- Universidad de São Paulo
- Universidade de Coimbra
- Universitat de València
The aim of the network is to act as a meeting point for exchange of experiences between Latin American universities within the framework of companies with a technological and scientific goal, to create an international seal of quality on entrepreneurship in academia with the best university practices to promote entrepreneurial culture, advice to universities, the development of tools and editing publications, seminars and conferences to facilitate the exchange of information and projects.
The initial core of the Iberoamerican University Network of Factories Incubation is formed by the bio-incubator of the UB PCB and Uninova, the business incubator of the USC, which, with the support of Banco Santander, have the main objective of facilitate the transfer of the research results into the society.
The medium-term objective is to implement joint projects between Latin American institutions that will allow the creation of 500 university spin-off companies (spin-offs) in the next five years.