- www.itp.gob.pe
- Carretera a Ventanilla Km 5.2 – Ventanilla – Callao, Lima (Perú).
Callao, Peru.” [“pll_lang”]=> string(0) “” } array(3) { [“type”]=> string(7) “twitter” [“link”]=> string(33) “https://twitter.com/ITPproduccion” [“pll_lang”]=> string(0) “” } array(3) { [“type”]=> string(8) “linkedin” [“link”]=> string(72) “https://www.linkedin.com/company/instituto-tecnologico-de-la-produccion/” [“pll_lang”]=> string(0) “” } array(3) { [“type”]=> string(7) “youtube” [“link”]=> string(56) “https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5e_HwdoLtCuNdlS0myRvCw” [“pll_lang”]=> string(0) “” } array(3) { [“type”]=> string(6) “flickr” [“link”]=> string(50) “https://www.flickr.com/photos/133971686@N08/albums” [“pll_lang”]=> string(0) “” } array(3) { [“type”]=> string(8) “facebook” [“link”]=> string(39) “https://www.facebook.com/ITPProduccion/” [“pll_lang”]=> string(0) “” } array(3) { [“type”]=> string(4) “mail” [“link”]=> string(32) “vigilanciatecnologica@itp.gob.pe” [“pll_lang”]=> string(0) “” }
The Technological Institute for Production (ITP) is a specialised technical organisation of the Ministry of Production of Peru, focused on improving company productivity through research, development, innovation, transformation and technology transfer services.
The area dedicated to technology monitoring and competitive intelligence is focused on conducting strategic technology monitoring to ensure useful and strategic information to companies and industry for decision-making. This area is certificated under the UNE 166006: 2011 Standard on technology monitoring and competitive intelligence.
ITP services include:
- Technology exploration.
- State of the art.
- Market appreciation.
ITP facilitates open access to monitoring and intelligence publications and reports offered by business and research sectors; as well as access to news and alert bulletins through Ainia Iwatch ITP platform.
The ITP promotes the Productive Innovation and Technology Transfer Network (Red CITE), made up of 46 CITE nationwide. Each CITE constitutes a meeting point among State, academy and private sector together with the rest of Innovation System institutions. As a whole, their focus is aimed at improving opportunities for collaboration and cooperation to boost technological innovation, promote research, dissemination of knowledge and technology transfer in the country.
More information: ITP