Infoday: “Technology Monitoring for companies”
Free workshop for companies, where to learn how to take advantage of technology monitoring and industrial property in innovation and internationalization strategies.
- 2022/03/03
- Internet (Spain)
On March 3rd, takes place the Conference “The importance of technology monitoring for companies“. The event is promoted by IVACE and the Technology Observatory of the University of Alicante within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network.

It is an informative workshop with a double objective:
- Inform about the value of intellectual property rights for companies and how and why to protect assets when facing international markets.
- Explain how to make a good and appropriate technology monitoring to make the right business decisions, when defining a marketing and internationalization strategy.
In addition, participants will be able to learn about the free services offered by EEN Seimed to companies, to develop their full potential and innovative capacity through internationalization, technology transfer and access to financing.
Significant data:
- Free virtual workshop.
- Hours: 11am to 12pm Spanish time.
- Agenda and registration: SEIMED