Under the II International Congress of redue-ALCUE, held from 10 to 16 October in Mexico DF under the theme “Meeting of knowledge University-Business Innovation”, the Virtual Observatory for Technology Transfer (OVTT) coordinated the organization of two international workshops on surveillance technology and innovation, with the participation of experts in surveillance technology reference in Argentina , Colombia and Mexico.
International speakers, mostly #MoocVT teachers were:
Ing. Nancy Veronica Perez, Technical and Program Management VINTEC (MINCYT, Argentina) Advisor.
Ing. Adel II Gónzalez Alcalá, Director of Rionegro Node TecnoParque SENA (Colombia) and author of the Innovitech methodology.
Ing. Betsy Pamela Mena, Head of Department of Surveillance and Prospective Technological Technological Development Unit, TECHNOPOLI, head of the IPN Technology Observatory
PhD. Sofia Oliveira Pires, coordinator of the Virtual Observatory of Technology Transfer at the University of Alicante (Spain).
Lic. Alba Santa Soriano, head of public relations content and Virtual Observatory of Technology Transfer at the University of Alicante (Spain).
Friday: International Workshop on technological monitoring network to innovate
Workshop surveillance tecnológicaEl first workshop was held at the premises of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) and included the participation of attendees specialize in surveillance technology from both companies, universities and public institutions linked to technological monitoring and management of scientific knowledge and technology in Mexico.
The meeting agenda opportunity to exchange expertise and share good management practices surveillance technology developed in the different participating countries. In addition, through a practical and basic workshop on the management process itself networking among professionals encouraged and exchange of ideas on future opportunities for collaboration and generation of strategic alliances in the matter favored.
The materials used by international speakers were:
- The ABC of technological surveillance, Adel II Gonzalez Alcala (SENA, Colombia).
- Presentation of the Working Group on Monitoring Technology redue-ALCUE, by Alba St. (OVTT, Spain).
- Roundtable: the Mexican experience with Technopoli Observatory, by Betsy Pamela Mena (IPN, Mexico).
- Round Table: Argentina’s experience with the National Program and ITECNOR VINTEC Red, by Nancy Veronica Perez (MINCYT, Argentina).
- Roundtable: the Colombian experience with the methodology and the Red InnoVitech Technopark Colombia, by Adel II Gonzalez Alcala (SENA, Colombia).
The meeting ended with the presentation of #MoocVT, the first Mooc Introduction to Technology Watch for innovation in network. It is a commitment to open learning resources in the field of innovation management and technology, which offers the user a training program initiation to technology, free, accessible and available monitoring via the Internet, where the He decides pace yourself and whose teachers will be experts of reference in Latin America.
The main keys to to begin are:
Monday: International Workshop surveillance technology to innovate in linking Universidad Empresa
The second workshop was held at the premises of the rectory of the UAM (Mexico DF) as a prelude to the celebration of the II International Congress of redue-ALCUE. He attended as participants of a wide variety of actors such as universities, research groups and companies; from various countries, including Argentina, Colombia, Peru, El Salvador, Mexico and Spain, all with experience in monitoring technology.
Like the previous workshop, the experience was very rewarding and program of the meeting allowed to exchange expertise and share good management practices surveillance technology developed in the different participating countries. In addition, through another practical and basic workshop on the management process itself networking among professionals encouraged and exchange of ideas on future opportunities for collaboration and creation of strategic alliances in the field, this time was favored over Working group on Monitoring Technology redue-ALCUE.
The materials used by international speakers were:
- Presentation of the Working Group on Monitoring Technology redue-ALCUE, by Alba St. (OVTT, Spain).
- The ABC of technological surveillance, Adel II Gonzalez Alcala (SENA, Colombia).
- Roundtable: the Mexican experience with Technopoli Observatory, by Betsy Pamela Mena (IPN, Mexico).
- Round Table: Argentina’s experience with the National Program and ITECNOR VINTEC Red, by Nancy Veronica Perez (MINCYT, Argentina).
- Roundtable: the Colombian experience with the methodology and the Red InnoVitech Technopark Colombia, by Adel II Gonzalez Alcala (SENA, Colombia).
- OVTT Tools supporting technological surveillance, Sofia Oliveira Pires (OVTT, University of Alicante, Spain).
The meeting ended with the presentation again #MoocVT, the first Mooc Introduction to Technology Watch Network to innovate, and the possibility of extending these workshops to other countries and Network partners, to further promote knowledge and collaborative learning how to implement technological monitoring practices in innovation projects and organizations with limited resources.
International Workshop technology watch: #MoocVT from OVTT
#MoocVT Is aimed at a wide variety of audiences, from professionals in general, related to the interest and motivation issues related to innovation, entrepreneurship and technological development enterprising scientists, businessmen, entrepreneurs, technology managers, and entrepreneurs. You can find more information in the blog Mooc: moocvt.ovtt.org
More information and contact:
- If you are interested in keeping informed about activities and how they present information, we invite you to join Alerts Technology Watch and customize their information for new activities preferences.
- If you are interested in learning more about surveillance technology to apply in their professional activity, we invite you to join the collaborative learning community #MoocVT.
- If you are interested in becoming a member of the EU-ALCUE the Technology Surveillance Network or promoting such activities in your organization, you are welcome to contact us via email: info@ovtt.org
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