- espe.pt
- Rua 27 nº 847 • Apt.443 • 4501-912 Espinho, Portugal.
The Professional School of Espinho (ESPE) in Portugal is focused on Tourism and Technologies. ESPE is a reference in Robotics: it was five times national champion in school robotics between 2012 and 2017 and won minor titles in the World School Robotics competitions in 2015 and 2016 in China and in Germany, respectively.
Furthermore, ESPE has also a Centre for Qualifications, which provides validation and certification of professional competences for people over 21 years old. In this Centre, the trainees have a career and educational coaching and can have their professional competences certified with a diploma till level 4, recognized by the Ministry of Education. This process was established in 2006 and currently, every year 500 adults start the process of certification of competences at ESPE.
More information: ESPE